Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Learning Curve

I am trying to make use of my many crochet books.  The one I am diving into right now is "Beyond The Square, Crochet Motifs" by Edie Eckman.  This book is filled with crocheted triangles, squares, circles, hexagons and more.  It is a granny blanket heaven.  I am just starting to get interested in motifs and granny "squares".  I think they are beautiful, but I am not a fan of weaving in ends and these motifs require a lot of weaving ends in.

Something that I am really enjoying, is learning and practicing stitches that I don't normally do.  I have seen them, but I don't normally incorporate them into my work....but I will from now on.

The squares in the picture above is what I have made so far.  The square on the far left is made of Popcorn stitches.  The square on the far right is the Leaning Tower stitch.  What am I going to do with these?  Well you will just have to wait and see.  (Unless I don't like it, then you may never see.)